Community Timed Perpetuals

24 Hour Degeneracy.

Our Community Perps are a new iteration of our Timed Perps, where the community decides on what market is listed. These function with the same mechanics as our Timed Perps, however they are only tradable for 24 hours. Offering the most aggressive funding rates and high volatility, these markets make trading particularly enticing.

Visit our Discord channel to submit your suggestion for a Timed Perp here.

The collection which receives the most suggestions will be announced on our Discord and subsequently added as a Timed Perp market on

Please note that these markets will close 24 hours after being listed, and any remaining positions will be closed using a Last In, First Out method. We advise you to trade and close your positions accordingly.

For more information on how these perpetuals operate, read Timed Perpetuals.

Last updated